

Coconut Soap – by Frank Leto

Coconut Soap – lyrics

Wash my hands (echo)
Wash my elbows (echo)
Wash my arms (echo)
With coconut soap (echo)

Wash my face (echo)
Wash my neck echo)
Wash my shoulders (echo)
With coconut soap (echo)

Wash my hair with shampoo
Brush my teeth with toothpaste
But when I wash the rest of my body
I always wash with coconut soap

Wash my back (echo)
Wash my tummy (echo)
Wash my chest (echo)
With coconut soap

Wash my feet (echo)
Wash my knees (echo)
Wash my legs (echo)
With coconut soap

Wash my hair with shampoo,
Brush my teeth with toothpaste,
But when I wash the rest of my body,
I always wash with coconut soap

Hands, hands, elbows, elbows, arms, arms,
Rub-a-dub dub, Rub-a-dub dub
Face, face, neck, neck, shoulders, shoulders,
Rub-a-dub dub, Rub-a-dub dub
Back, back, tummy, tummy, chest, chest,
Rub-a-dub dub, Rub-a-dub dub
Feet, feet, knees, knees, legs, legs,
Rub-a-dub dub, Rub-a-dub dub

Wash my hair with shampoo,
Brush my teeth with toothpaste,
But when I wash the rest of my body,
I always wash with coconut soap
I always wash with coconut soap

It’s Red – by Ron Ward & Kenji Furukawa

It’s Red – lyrics

It’s red, red red red.
I see something red.
It’s red, red red red.
Can you touch something red, red, red?
色々な物をタッチします(形容詞 – soft, small, cuteなど) それから、タッチした物と形容詞を合わせて言ってみましょう!
例:My shirt is red. The teddy bear is soft 等

Good Morning Song – by Marty Moose

Good Morning Song – lyrics

Good morning, good morning.
How are you today?
Good morning, good morning.
I’m happy let’s play.
Good morning, good morning.
How are you today?
Good morning, good morning.
I’m happy let’s play.
Stretch up, stretch down.
Spin your head, turn around.
Move your shoulders, up and down.
Stretch your arms and turn around.


I’m Mozart – by Ron Ward & Kenji Furukawa


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